1.   So Britain is poorly equipped to even consider making any comparisons of the productivity or usefulness of research.

2.   We are considering making a strain of transgenic sheep containing the mutant gene that causes cystic fibrosis in humans.

3.   It appears unlikely that the U.N. would consider making such a move.

4.   The government had stated that it was considering making a formal application for membership, as Sweden had done in July.

5.   The following comments should be borne in mind when considering making an application for a grant.

6.   Unlike existing electronic data archives, the PRO will have to consider making data available to those outside the social science community.

7.   The film comes at a time when Home Secretary Kenneth Baker is considering making squatting a criminal offence.

8.   It may not be cheap, but it offers the best of diesel driving for those, perhaps, who might not have considered making the switch before.

9.   This is a particularly good time to consider making major changes either to your job, home or personal life.

10.   Among several recent encouraging signs for South Korea, international currency trader George Soros said this week he is considering making major investments there.

v-ing making >>共 350
begin 12.94%
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consider v-ing >>共 606
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leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
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sending 1.53%
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